I received a great email last week. “Thank you for taking the time to put together such a well formulated application. We have concluded reviewing your submission and have selected your work to be included in our 8th Annual Photography Exhibition; PEOPLE ARE STARTING TO NOTICE in Los Angeles. We received almost 1000 individual works for consideration; of those, we selected only 52 photographs.” The show will be at the Dab Art Co. gallery in Los Angeles from February 26th through April 23rd. Their website is https://www.dabart.me/los-angeles. I won’t be able to go out to California to see the show, but check it out if anyone is in the area. It should be a great exhibit. They are publishing a book with all 52 images from the show.
The two images selected for the exhibit were Kite Flying and Horse Drawn Carriages from my Wright Brothers: Then and Now book and series. I took the photograph for Kite Flying at Wright Brothers national park in North Carolina, and Horse Drawn Carriages was from in Pau, France. You can see all the photographs from this series at www.ClearyFineArtPhoto.com . On the site there is also information about the book Wright Brothers: Then and Now.