One of the most fun things I do at Cleary Creative Photography is photograph babies. When a three month old baby smiles back at you during a portrait session, how can it not melt your heart. I have a year long baby portrait program called The Little Miracles First Year Baby Plan. During the first year of your babies life we will do four or five portrait session. If you come in early enough when your baby is a few weeks old we can do a newborn baby portrait session. Then at three months the fun begins. At three months your baby will start holding their head up while laying on it’s tummy. Their eyesight is getting better and they recognize a smile. At the six month session your baby will be able to sit up on their own. And they have learned how to laugh. The expressions I get at the six month session are beautiful. At nine months they are strong enough to stand up on their on. They aren’t walking yet but they might be cruising, holding on the the furniture. At nine months they might also begin to have separation anxiety and I have plenty of experience to help with that session to make sure we capture perfect photographs. We end the year with a 12 month session. Hopefully your child isn’t walking yet (or more likely running) but it’s a great time to do a few outfits. A child will do much better in an enclosed space like a photography studio instead of an outdoor portrait. When a baby is outdoor their attention is easily distracted and getting great expressions is so much harder. Here are three of my newest member of the year long baby club. If you want more information about my baby plan go to There you can see more examples of all the fun photographs I make and some of the framed art I create for my clients. And if you have any questions give me a call at 937-298-6776.